Hobestatt hat geschrieben: ↑Mi 15. Mai 2024, 07:52
Alternativ dazu - welche Vorteile hat denn dieser neue Controller und was kostet so‘n Teil?
I can recommend seller
www.far-driver.com where I bought mine 72680. You can contact Nick at
info@far-driver.com . You can also download app on their website. 72530 is around 280 USD incl. shipping. You have to count also with customs + tax. I do NOT work for them, just satisfied customer.
What is great that you can choose built-in bluetooth module or separate bluetooth dongle, price is the same. As I can compare both options, built-in works (connects) faster and I have never had problem to connect while with dongle it was not 70:30 for succesfull connection.
There is plenty of sellers on Aliexpress, when I was looking there for the last time for 72530 for my buddy, I did not find any FD with built-in BT module + some seller allegedly sell "fake" FDs, I can not comfirm that but I have seen different versions (with and without internal protective "foam" like mine burnt factory 72400, different way of holding screw tubes to PCB etc.) so there is high possibility that for the same money you can get good FD and also not so good FD. Siaecosys has pretty high prices, especially on shipping, lastly I heard bad experience (no further communication) with DUN (do not know which one, there is more sellers with DUN in their name), hard to tell how to distinguish goodo and bad seller.